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Allergy / Asthma


Are allergy and sinus problems bringing you down?  Are you a chronic sufferer?

Nearly 40 million North American children- 25% of the population- suffer from asthma and other allergies.

In an asthma attack, children and adults respond similarly, with severe congestion, swelling and other allergic type reactions in response to various irritants. As the reaction progresses, breathing becomes more difficult and in some cases life-threatening.  The bronchioles swell with mucous and go into spasm.  This closes the airways and causes the asthmatic to wheeze and gasp for air.

Chiropractic treatment improves movement of the entire respiratory cage including the rib movement and decrease the muscle spasm of the assesory muscles that help with the breathing process. Studies have shown an increase in endorphens and in enchephalens with chiropractic treatments.  Both of these natural pain relievers are ten times more effective than morphine and supplied by the body. These work to not only give relief from pain and anxiety but help to shut down the pain-spasm cycle present in the muscle of the neck and chest wall.

Chiropractic care can result in fewer asthmatic attacks that are less severe.  If acupuncture or meridian therapy is also added to a treatment plan long lasting results and relief can occur.

Acupuncture can give additional relief from medications and give assistance to reducing the dependence on medications to keep allergy symptoms and asthma symptoms at a manageable level.

Dr. Rhoads can determine whether chiropractic treatment is essential for you, based on the assessment of your initial exam.  Once your problem area(s) have been recognized, Dr. Rhoads will outline a personalized treatment program the fits you.

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