Acupuncture is based on the theory that essential life energy called qi (pronounced “Chi” flows through the body along invisible channels called meridians. These are a series of interconnected acupuncture points. Each of the 14 channels relate to a different organ or organ system. Qi must flow through the body in these channels without interruption or blockage. A disturbance in the flow of qi can result in illness, pain, or a general lack of health. Stimulation of specific points along the meridians, according to Chinese theory, can correct the flow of qi to restore or optimize health or block pain.
The most familiar way to stimulate the points is through the insertion of very fine acupuncture needles. With electro-acupuncture the needles are then hooked up to an electrical unit to maximize the flow of energy into the points. If the idea of needles is too frightening, you can still benefit form the stimulation of points through a commonly used Electro-therapeutic Point Stimulator. This instrument stimulates acupuncture points through the use of a probe. Acupressure is also a common technique of applying pressure to specific points in order to free blocked qi. While all are accepted techniques of stimulation, acupuncture through the use of needle insertion is by far the most effective.
Chiropractic and acupuncture work hand in hand in that chiropractic adjustments restore proper alignment to improve function of the nervous and musculoskeltal systems,while acupuncture enhanced the flow of electrical impulses through nerve pathways to correct and rebalance. Together chiropractic care and acupuncture are an excellent healing choice and without the risks of side-effects there is nothing to lose in making natural healthcare your first choice.